Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Love Lost

A Love Lost

I see her, but it's only from a far. I see her and I can see a future with her, I can see me and her having a house on the hills, facing the water or an apt in the NYC, overlooking the bright lights of the city. I can see us showing our kids off at work events. Her and I walking into the best resturants around town, me with my head held high, her with a glow about her. She is more than a throphy wife, she is more than a hit it and quit it, not a jumpoff, not a one night stand. She's more than my equal. She's more than a part of me. She's is my everything. The sound of her voice stops me in my tracks. When I look in her eyes I see tomorrow and the next day. I see the rest of my life. I see all of my life. She is my life. She is all of my hopes and dreams come true. But..... but.....but....... 

    This is all a dream, this is not a future than can happen, not a future that will happen. As I sit here and stare at her, I sit motionless. I'm frozen in time. I want this to be a reality but time and space will not allow it. As each moment passes I can feel my heart shatter. And yet I still can't change a thing about this perfect future I had planned out for me and her. 

    Shes being taken away from me and. I'm helpless. I can't stop it. I see her drifting away. I want to pull her back but I defenseless. The power has her. I can't see her anymore, I can't see my future I had laid out. It's being taken away from me and it's killing me on the inside. I guess it just wasn't meet to be. 

Epilogue: as I sit I'm my hosipital bed awaking from my coma, my mother tells me she is gone. Her life taken away from me as soon as our life together had began. Me wishing it was I that was driving so the car would have plowed through my door. It's a guilty wish, but knowing that the person I wanted to bring into the world and the person I wanted to help me raise them is gone makes life not worth living. I can't recall much from that night. Just holding her hand and taking a glimpse into her eyes and then feeling a huge bang. I faintly hear her voice, she's whispering "help me". And there's nothing I can do. I've failed the only loves I've ever felt in my life.

          I going to miss my 2 angels and wish God is going to watch over them but for me, I'm going to have to live a life, a life with a lost love.   

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