Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Coach, The Singer and You

So I was thinking about something and I came to the realization that America and the people in it only believe what they want to believe. America is jumping down the neck of Coach Sandusky for his actions with these lil boys over the last 20 years. I agree, he should be taken out back and have the shit beat out of him daily and his nuts cut off. Lets get that staight. But then you same people who scream from the mountians about how much of a piece of shit he is and how everyone involved with him shoud face serious jail time are the same people that celebraite Michael Jackson like he wasn't the same kind of piece of shit. You cry for his death and claim you wanted justice for his death and he was jus as bad,if not worst than Sandusky, and MJ got away with everything he did to multiple lil boys and just paid his way out of it. I just want you all to take a second and think about this for a minute. We need to put our children first and hold the people in public light to a lower standerd and call a spade a spade. Just something to think about. Have a great day

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