Monday, July 26, 2010

Drawing A Blank

Drawing a blank, I want to blame it on my pen but it's my mind that's
out of ink. I stare at the empty pages wondering what kind of magical
words I can fill them with, thinking of the deranged thoughts this mad
man can place in this pad so these actions can escape my mind and give
me moments of clarity. I know I need to let them out before the
monster inside escapes and carries them out. These are truly the dark
ages for my imperfect yet persilety planing evil mind. As I extract
these words to paper. In one hand I hold a pen and in the other I hold
my favorite toy pokey. My 6 inch blade that pierces skin on contact,
that has cut my skin dozens of times. Staring at them both trying to
figure out which shall be my instrument of art for the day. Will I
paint the paper blue with ink or will I paint the walls red with blood.

The Daily Word

Being that it's Sunday I figured I'd address religion as that for most
of you this being the most holy day. Butwhy? Because man says so?
Because man said that we should pick one day a raise it above the
other 6 and use it as a day to praise the lord? Why only one day? Why
Sunday? Because of a book writen by men who gathered and said God
spoke to them and that Jesus walked with them? All of a sudden this
became law? I question these stories in the bible, I question the
reason why we must go to church on Sundays. I question religion and
most of all, I question faith. How can a man of sin teach me how not
to sin? What makes this man or woman in a robe anymore holyer than me?
What have they done or gone through that makes them a vesel of god?
And when these self aleged vesels go a stray, what then gives us the
right to judge them when in life you call them Gods messengers? How do
you know that they are not just doing Gids bidding? What if the bible
is not gods words? What if this is a book written by the devil and in
Gods eyes we are cometting acts if sin when we belive we are carring
out his will? You don't know. I don't know. And when we do find out,
it might just be too late. I have no answer to these question I ask,
and I'm not sure I want them. But I know for a fact that no one out
there wants answers. If they didn't get the answers they wanted, it
would spin there lives into such a loop they would never be able to
recover from. So I guess we will contuine to live in out sheltered
worlds and not seek out the truth and fear the answers, but I will
always contuine to ask the questions.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

the ghost

I'm just the ghost of of a man, a shell of a human being, a open plain of empty emotion and wide open valley of pain. I'm planting seeds to grow a new me, but the world keeps putting fertilizer on my dreams, but the more you shit on me, the more I grow. A tear in my eye and blood on my chin. I'm always alone, even when I'm with friends. Maybe God will forgive me for my sins, is this the begining or the end.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Dear Free Agents

Dear Free Agents:

Hey big 3, how's your summer going? Looks like the 3 of you have a lot on your plates. Take your time and do what's right for your family and all but let's not forget about your fans. For 4 years now everyone in the world have been waiting for this week and you guys are playing too many games. Let me start with you King James, the way you are treating your would be bosses is just disgusting. First off, to have them come to you instead of having the common courtesy to go to there offices and meet with them is so disrespectful. These guys are offering to give you more money than you have now, there offering to make your dreams of becoming a billionaire a reality. But u can't get on a plane and take a 2 hour flight to Chicago or New York and then from there drive to New Jersey. Do u really mean to tell me you are against a trip to Miami. Not to mention u not meeting with the Knicks in New York, pissed me off because you were in Avenue (NYC club) 3 days before free agency began. I hope u resign in Cleveland and never win a ring. Number 2, Sup Flash, I can see you wanting to make sure staying in Miami is the right thing for you, but let's not openly come out and say that the custody battle is the reason. Let's not use the family as an excuse for telling the fans of The Heat that your trying to bring free agent 1 and free agent 3 to join you in the Miami. Why not do like the King did and keep your mouth shut. But I do hope you land in Chicago, that would be better for you and your family. But I don't ever want to here you say a word about privacy. You put your family issues out there in the street, then there fair game. Free Agent number 3, CB4. I get it, the media is making a buck off of you, so you'll have some fun and try and get some coin out of it while your at it. I commend you on that. But there is a reason why teams are not going crazy and Toronto is not willing to give you that 6th year. You my friend are 2nd fiddle on no matter what team you go to. I hope you land on a good team and maybe even win a few rings, but in no way what so ever do I want to see the Raptors sign and trade to get you. You shit on them during this whole process and you think there going to help you. You young man need to learn about tack and business savey. In short, if you guys are done holding the Fans, the Media and the teams trying to pay you Hundreds of millions of dollars hostage, man up, make a choice, have long and fruitful careers.

Signed, A real fan of what's right and of the NBA. Chris Rock Glover