Monday, July 26, 2010

The Daily Word

Being that it's Sunday I figured I'd address religion as that for most
of you this being the most holy day. Butwhy? Because man says so?
Because man said that we should pick one day a raise it above the
other 6 and use it as a day to praise the lord? Why only one day? Why
Sunday? Because of a book writen by men who gathered and said God
spoke to them and that Jesus walked with them? All of a sudden this
became law? I question these stories in the bible, I question the
reason why we must go to church on Sundays. I question religion and
most of all, I question faith. How can a man of sin teach me how not
to sin? What makes this man or woman in a robe anymore holyer than me?
What have they done or gone through that makes them a vesel of god?
And when these self aleged vesels go a stray, what then gives us the
right to judge them when in life you call them Gods messengers? How do
you know that they are not just doing Gids bidding? What if the bible
is not gods words? What if this is a book written by the devil and in
Gods eyes we are cometting acts if sin when we belive we are carring
out his will? You don't know. I don't know. And when we do find out,
it might just be too late. I have no answer to these question I ask,
and I'm not sure I want them. But I know for a fact that no one out
there wants answers. If they didn't get the answers they wanted, it
would spin there lives into such a loop they would never be able to
recover from. So I guess we will contuine to live in out sheltered
worlds and not seek out the truth and fear the answers, but I will
always contuine to ask the questions.

1 comment:

  1. The concept of religion was developed and manipulated by man...spirituality is inate to human nature and that is what you should strive for; to be spirtitually intuned with the higher power (if you feel there is a higher power). Specific practices that certain religions/denominations have are help to (for lack of a better word)"control" or keep order to said religion and it's followers. However spritiuality is also individual and how u choose to express/practice it should be respected by others. just my take on things...theres a book called; "The Origins and Evolution of Religion" it's a great read I have a copy if your coming to Nik's thing on Sat i'll bring it.
