Friday, November 12, 2010


I'm a QB my life, but God is my head coach and he getting mad at me. I'm changing plays in the huddle. The Devil is sending all out blitz's. But I'm seeing his safety's sneaking up. A lot of movement on the D-line. Linebackers tryin to read my eyes. I'm moving the wide outs in motion, clearing the back field. I'm ready to start the play.

Ball snapped, and that quickly I see the play breaking down, these goon ass defence ends tryin to get in my pocket. My front line protection is breaking down. They won't allow me to get my feet set, I need to bounce to the outside. Let me go through my progression. Looks like my Receivers can't get open. I'm a have to let this play develop, linebackers coming, pressure breathing down my neck. They putting hands on me, trying to bring me down. I shake them off and get free.

I look to dump a short pass to my Running back. But that's not the kind of gain I need. It's 3rd and long at this point, I need to go for it all. Safety's still watching me, they know I love the long toss but they tryin to read my eyes. But I see those bitches, their greed is gonna be their down fall. Can't keep me away from what I love. Pump fake and they take the bait. I see the D breaking down. Fuck it, time to tuck the Rock and take it myself. I'm running for it. Still got to pass this linebacker, I hit him with a studer step, he's still on my heals. Stiff arm. I'm picking up steam, I got enough for the first, I can jump to the outside, hop out of bounds, take my yardage and play another but I see daylight. I'm going for it.

I'm picking up blocks down field, jump over these DB's grabbing at my ankles. Dumb Bitches, I've come to far to let them stop me. Coach is screaming for me to slide, but pride is pushing me. That safety is making a b-line at me like a bat out of Hell, this is gonna be close.

The game is slowing down for me right now, I hear half the crowd cheering me into the end zone but the other half praying for my downfall. Coach a has given me the tools and the plays to win, but this Defence the Devil has on the field is like nothing I've ever faced before. Time to focus.

10 yards to go and I see the pile-on. Me and this big bad safety named Lucifer have eyes locked. If he stays up, I'm diving in, if he goes low, I'm going up top. 5 yards to go. He's not showing his hand. This is gonna happen at the goal line. Down to the 2 and we crash into each other like two Mack trucks. This is painful, he has me wrapped up but my legs keep turning. I won't be stopped. Pushing, pulling, pushing, pulling. This is a battle.

I can hear the Ref blow the whistle. Did I make it? what's the call? No signal from the Ref? Somebody tell me something. Looks like the booth is gonna make the call. So I wait.......

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