Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Return of the Skyline

Return Of The Skyline It's been a little bit less then 10 years since the most beautiful skyline in the world was taken from us. With it was taken the view that billions of people identified as the look of NYC, the look of America. When that vision was stolen from us, it also took away a great feeling of saftey from us.

The impact of the hit was felt by New Yorkers, Americans and people through out the world. It was a global impact. It was felt by all of us that lost loved ones. Those of us that watched on TV. Those of us that were standing blocks away when those planes crashed in to the Towers. We felt the rumble as we walked across the Brooklyn Bridge, as we boarded the Ferry to Staten Island and those of us that were standing on Greenwich St, that were left standing in ash and smut from the debresse that came from the crumbling World Trade Center.

For almost a decade, I walked past the graves of loved ones, the scene of the crime and a shadow of once was the greatest monument that stood in the world. Those buildings not standing, gave me nightmares and fears that another attack could happen. It made me cringe when ever a plane flew low over the city. It made me keep on eye to the sky and an eye on anybody the looked out of place. That hole in the earth stood for the hole in my saftey blanket.

As I pass by the WTC now, I see a buliding standing nearly 60 stories tall and a second that is about 20 stories tall. When I stand down by the Staten Usland ferry I can see the NYC skyline returning to it's once great glory. I see more than 2 buliding's standing. I see a wall of saftey being reconstructed. I see the Skyline of the world returning. I see a return to life as we knew it. I see the return of my Skyline.

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