Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sometimes Part2

Sometimes part 2
Sometimes I need someone to talk to, but no one is around.
Sometimes I listen and bite my lip because I know sometimes it's better to hear then to give advice.
Sometimes I'll send a text to my mother phone, knowing that I can get what I'm thinking off my chest and no matter what I say, no one is gonna judge me. Sometimes I look back at my youth and wonder if I gave up on some people to soon and think that our lives would have been.
Sometimes I write e-mails to my friends but don't hot send cause I'm scared that if I let down my wall, you won't look at me the same (but that's not totally true, because my friends will never judge me). Sometimes I drink by myself and toast to my friends because I live all of them. Sometimes I look at facebook and see just how many ex's I have and be like "Damn Rock, you've had a great freaking life and all of them would have made a great wife. Them was some good women you done fucked up good things with".
Sometimes I laugh because as crazy as it sounds and as down and out as I am, I know My Life Rocks and I'll Always Be Writing so no matter what happens to me, I'll stay with all of you forever.
And sometimes which is most of the time, I just feel the need to tell all of you, I love you.

All of you, because y'all are the reason, My Life Rocks.

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