Sunday, April 17, 2011

My Mind......

I swear my mind is all fucked up like Marv's from Sin City. I'm so not right in the head and someone is gonna pay the price for that. I can't remember anything anymore. All my memories and thoughts are going blank. i use to have such a beautiful mind. Now it's suck a scary and ugly place to visit. I don't like taking trips there any more. I use to visit there and walk through field full of pretty flowers and sweet fruit nectar on all the trees. Now there are just rotten apples and spoiled pears scattered all over the fields of dead crops and the corpse of dead rodents. I use to dream of tomorrow, now i only cry about yesterdays. Not that they were bad days, but I just can't recall them. Where have they gone. I look at my pads and the pages are empty, i reach for a pencil but it's not Sharp. I try to look at video and all that plays is snow. Where have I gone? Where has it gone? Passion has faded, will has faded, pleasure has faded, all has faded. There once was a time when I could yell and scream and bring myself back to reality. but those days are gone. My mind is gone, i swear my mind is all fucked up. I'm so not right in the head. but i think the only person that gonna pay the price, is me.

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