Wednesday, March 9, 2011

They Cried, We Cried (RIP Malcolm, Martin, BIG and PAC)

They cried for Malcolm. They cried for Martin. We cried for Biggie. We cried for Pac. They gave Jesse and Farrakhan a pass, we did the same for Puff and Suge. They know and we know the reasons they were killed, but we stay silent. Why? Is it easier to give them a pass? Is the path that we take to feel more united. I hope not. Are we just puppets, following the strings of leaders that lead us not to the promise land, but lead us to ATM's and ask for our money, and tell us it's for "the greater good". How long can we carry on this cycle of lies and deceit? We argue about who was the best of all-time. They argue about which path to justice and equal rights should have been followed. We all miss that it's was all for not, because none of them are around to celebrate their life's work. Is the tradegy them dying in vain, or us disrespecting their memories by letting everything they lived for, get wasted in the wind. I hate that I have more questions than answers. I hate that in another 20 to 30 years, the memories of Malcolm and Martin will be faded. I hate that in another 30-40 years we will all but forgotten BIG and Pac. I hate the fact that in another 50 years, we will of all cried for nothing.

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