Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Lil Lovve Story

A lil love story

Their was once a boy that knew a girl. He knew he loved the girl from
the first time he saw her, the only problem was he didn't know what
love was at the time. His storys nothing special to you. Boy meets
girl, girl meets boy, boy falls head over heals for girl, he hopes
girl feels the same. Yada, yada, yada. Boy is a fucking moron and
loses the only thing in life he's every loved cause he's a fucking
moron. That's just the start.

Years go by, and the 2 remain friends but never as close as they
were once was. They both grow, they have family's that they know they
both should of have together. They stay in contact through the stories
of their friends and family over the years. Knowing what one another
are doing and both wanting to reach out to the other and tell them
what's what. But not sure if it's pride, respect, fear if rejection or
just plain being stuburn that stops them from reaching out to each

More time passes, and the 2 look on from a distance as the
others life is falling apart but still not reaching out until she,
knowing he can only take so much hurt in his life, reaches out and
calls him. From the moment his phone rings and he hears her voice,
every feeling he ever had for her comes racing back to his heart, and
he regressed back to the same boy that fell in love with that same
girl oh so many years ago.

That first conversation goes on for hours. His friends around
him can see that spring in his step over the next couple of days. He's
the old him, but at the same time, he's very hesatant. He knows his
flaws and that makes him scared to comit. Not because of fear of love
but because of fear that he can't give his princess everything he
feels and knows see deserves. He throws feelers out to her friends and
family to see what's going on. Everyone's cheering for them to be
together, because everyone knows they should be together.

The 2 of them flow together, their perfect ocean waves that
crash against the beaches of life in perfect rythem. They're love has
hit the beaches, ran up on shores that have weathered the worst
storms. No matter how bad waves got, they always returned back to the
calm of a lake behind a quiet little cotegge on a private island.

Now when they see each other, there's such a tence, comfertable,
uncomfortable feeling, which I think the 2 of them enjoy because it's
a symbol of how strong their love is. It's kind of enjoyable for the 2
of them. I belive it's the calm that keeps them together. That great
mystery of what if?? What if we stayed together? Or what if this was
the master plan to keep us apart to make our union stronger later on
in life?

Now I know your wondering what happenes to the 2 of them. does
love weather the storm? or does it die on a beach? Washed out againts
the surf. I can answer this question in time, but we have to she what
she says about this story. Hopfully, this lil love story, can turn
into a perfect love story. We'll see.

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