Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Life nshit

Somebody told me I'm 32, that's 2 old to begoing out nshit,

getting blacked out drunk nshit.

I told then they right, so I took a hand full of vic's nshit.

See I wild out and can't remember shit so I turned my

life to reaility tv and now I'm followed around with a camera nshit.

I only go out on nights my phone bout to die nshit.

That cuts down on drunk text and the next mornings I'm sorry's nshit.

I'd tried to tell y'all I drink to mask my pain nshit.

My cries for help were just cries in vain. Life had me broken like the Bat, this world is my Bane nshit.

I could only find a love like Courtny's, so these bullets gonna go Kobain nshit.

But they not gonna report bout my death and morn me in the streets nshit,

I be lucky if the pour out liquor and toast RIP's nshit.

But for me, imma be good either way nshit.

Cause I'm drunk off my words, tipsy from my verbs,

high from my nouns. Fucking wasted from my sounds.

See I was writing for y'all, popping bottles to share how I

feel, but I should of been doing shots with myself, really keeping it real.

But I'm a be out and leave you on this note,

I'm additiced to drugs, cause all my words is dope.


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