Monday, May 17, 2010

missing pieces

I'm drunk in a room, think about days that have never come and nights that passed to soon. Playing back a moment lost because I was was waiting on nothing to happen. Replacing broken frame's from the pictures of my life, because the camera of time caught a reflection and the flash ruined the pic. With construction paper and crayons i draw in these missing moments with what i remember from blacked out nights and hung over mornings. Waiting on phone calls to to tell me of last night's glory and last night's ill-fated choices. Always wondering if i needed that last shot but always glad I took it. Asking the question, Why do I drink until I can't drink anymore? and always answering the same. Why would I drink, if I wasn't drink to get to the point I didnt remember anymore. My life is summed up not by the actions I haven't taken, but by the actions I have. I wake up after the night and always feel as brand new. The sun shining down on me is my way of knowing now matter how good or bad the night before was, i have 24 hours to reset and make it better. At night I look up into the moonlight knowing that it will be my only witness to my tears as I sit under the stars and cry myself to sleep. Sometimes tears of joy, sometimes tears to mask my pain. but always tears of life. But that enough of this, It's time to go out and try to make some new memories, because the ones I have now hurt to much.

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