Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My Hate (reflection)

My devotion to my emotion is the start of my problems, The feeling that I'm feeling from all of our dealing is leading me to these hurt and angry outburst. The mask is off and the face is pale. Not from the shock of your actions, but the blatant contradictions in your behavior. In my world yes is just yes, but you take my care with a grain of salt and no matter how I try to work thing out I see these is all leading to break. It should be a sad goodbye, where we think back to our happy times but those time were far and few in between. Where love was in my heart for you it has been replaced with hate. I once wanted you in my world, now nothing would bring a greater joy to me then to see you die a long, slow, painful, drawn out death. Where once poured rivers and streams of love for you, now burns disdain and distaste. You are the break of me. Your downfall has now become my only focus. My eyes that once poured tears missing you now burn red as I want nothing more than to see your last breath leave your body. But for now I'll get out of the mirror because i can no longer stand to see your face. I disgust me because this is the reflection of me.

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