Friday, April 9, 2010

No Tomorrow

We live in a world that is full of double talk. a world that shows you everything but wont allow you to see anything. They let you dream only to wake you up. They tell you how can have anything, that you should want everything, fight for something but ask for nothing. They'll flaunt all the gold and silver in front of you, they'll put the brass rings in your sights but always just out of reach. Your head gets filled with visions of the juiciest fruits, but once you bite into them, you taste the sourness which is life. The condemn you when you tell your tale of how hard life is for you. they spit in face when ask for help. They stomp on your hands when you reach for a loan. The businesses that are here to help you are the very ones that hurt you. The leaders of state that you put into office turn there backs on you as soon as there elected to six figure jobs and the cushy offices. And then they give you the excuse that this is what u asked for when they knew the whole platform they ran on was based on a lie. it make you wonder where it starts at. I always look into the homes we were brought up in. Our parents, the ones that were suppose to be our role models, the ones that got lazy and passed the buck on to out teachers who in turn passed us on to the world without a clue what was right and what was wrong. but back to our parents, the ones that taught us not to lie (but always told a story to their boss on why they couldn't come in). The ones that taught us to be faithful to our mates(while they cheated on each other and used their partners blind love to get away with it). Yes, those very parents that said we should put our faith in God(the same God that they turned their backs on as the sinned and went against all the teachings of the Bible). There way of grooming us into adult hood is the reason why were not sure whats right and wrong in this world. If we raise our kids of the principales we were taught, the hope for our children is doomed. We must look to the light and find whats right or there will be No Tomorrow

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