Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Equation of Life x+y=Z

I just want happiness and I see yours so I envy. My wants are not goals so that makes my own thoughts my worst enemy. My thoughts of tomorrow will be the end of me, my mind races to much, and that's no good for me. My spirits are crushed and that a shame 2me. The heart makes the mind wonder unto depths that I thought I could never reach. Only to find that when I reach those depths i never should of went search for those answers that were not really questions to begin with. The confusion in my life will lead me to clarity but the road that I walk is a long and twisted one. My feet are tired and my soul is stained. My pillow is stained from the tears from years of my face being planted into, crying myself to sleep. Not over one reason but just the many reasons that add up to life. We all try to process these equations of our lifes in our own different ways. And no matter how many time we do the math, it just never seams to add up. So all we can do is add more factors into our equation, more X's, more Y's and more Z's. Wishing we payed more attention in algebra class. Life lesson's become our tudors, and our faith becomes our professor's. We study our life and wait for our final test given to us by God. Good luck on your test everyone. No one knows when the exam date is but keep a number 2 pencil ready because you never know when your going to be called into the office.

x=joy y=pain z=life

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