Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Our Road (The Path of Faith)

You have the right to question your faith and you have the choice to choose your path. But in the end, both your choice's and your rights will lead you to a place of your proper being. We are all looking for a place that will lead us to salvation. And while most will tell you to look to God, the sad truth is most of us know not where to look. We flock to the church for a feeling of comfort in the house of the lord but sadly this places have become tombs of lies, mistrust, thief's, sinners and vultures of the soul that pick on the flesh of the weak and at the pockets of the morally unsound. We sit there and hear the words of the bible, spoke to us, yelled to us, and song to us. But it's never explained. The reason why faith is questioned, is because its not understood. We want answers, but we don't look for them. Not because we don't want to, but because we don't know how to. It's easy for me to sit here and point out the problems. It's easy for people to read this and tell me how I'm wrong for saying this. But the fact of the matter is that what I'm saying is the truth. We all will find God in our own special way, and that's a process that takes time. It sad that for some of our youth might never have a chance to make there peace with there maker until it's to late. Lying in the street holding on to life is not how you should come to grips with our faith. But all across this planet life's are being lost at an alarming rate. We must choose our paths better so the generations that follow us will have a bit more direction. Were all headed to the promise land, so lets plug our GPS's in, and get there together. MLR My Life Rocks because I have set a course and plan to stay on it.

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