Saturday, October 30, 2010

iSwear I'm no Good

I'm just bad luck

I swear I'm bad news. Nothing good ever comes from me. This is a warning. A warning to all women. Don't get involved with me. Nothing good will come of it. I swear i'm cursed with a bad luck spell. Ladies, I tell u this as a warning. Stay away from me. I'm all kinds of bad news. I bring bad luck, bad news, heart break, heart ache and all things jinx. I'm no good for you. I'm all around bad news. There's no good that comes with dealing with me. In sure you'll get a couple of good months, a few good times but in the end, it just ends with bad shit. I'm not saying i'm gonna stop looking but I felt it was only wright that I give you fair warning.  

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Death can't be worse

This is crazy to day but it's more crazy to feel. I don't know what's wrong with me but I do know nothing is right with me. I think I've pushed my life to the limit and there's no more I can go. I'm not in a good place anymore. All of my goals and dreams I wanted to reach, I did. And when a dreamer can't dream anymore, what us he left with?my goals in life as a child mighthave been set to low but what they were, I reached. I want to make a millon dollars net in my life, I did that plus some. I wanted to name a kid after me. I did that and he's awesome. I wanted to drive a truck down the east coast. As crazy as that sounds, I drove that bug yellow truck from here to south carolina and loved every minute of it. Those where my goals as a kid. I had them writen down. I checked everyone of them off as I did it. It's crazy to say but the truth is, I've done what everyone ever wanted to do. I lived my perfect life. Everything you can imange, I've done. I've been married, I've been divorced. I've had healthy kids. I've been in love, lust, and just plaine Horney. I've enjoyed each of them the same and pushed all of them to the limit. I'm my life I've done more than iever wanted to do. I've left an impact on everyone I've ever meet. And I belive it's been on a postive note. But sadly, I don't want to lice anymore. I've alwas looked at killing yourself as a cowards way out but lately, I've noticed that I've been more coward than man. This is bottom and I've worse than hit it. I touched it and let my self get comfortable. My life feels like it's over. I've failed and i've failed ever one in it. It sucks that I'm saying this but it feels so good to admite it. 
 my future had not been written but if it wasn't for KidNova, it sure would be printed. I've lived the life I wanted to live. I'm so close to being done. I only wake up just so KidNova won't have to deal with anymore pain. 

  as much as I lve him, I don't live myself any more and I don't know what to do anymore. I'm done with my cries for help. I'm gonna sit down with pinky sometime over the next couple of weeks and me and her are gonna figure this all out. If you hear from me after that then it worked out. If u don't hear from me then that also means it worked out and I might be happier. Either way, I was one hell of a friend to you and if I wasn't, I'll make up for it in the next life

  death is the question I asked myself ever since I was about 12 years old. I asked it every time u was backed into a corner, and it was answered every time I fought myself out. But lately no ones Bren picking up when I called, so I guess it is what it is. 

  I love you all and tonight is what it us. But remember -MLR-MyLifeRocked because i lived it to the limit and I LIVED IT ALIVE. 

           CHris ROCK Glover

Thursday, October 14, 2010


by Chris Glover on Tuesday, January 5, 2010 at 1:34am
Sometimes I look through my pads and read what I write.
Sometimes I want to tear the pages out because they hold so much hurt
Sometimes I'll just write the same words over and over
Sometimes I write about hate
Sometimes I write about love
Sometimes the words I write are scattered all over my pad
Sometimes I'm not writing for myself but for friends and loved ones
Sometimes I'll sit in my room and talk to myself for hours and not write a word of it down
Sometimes I overthink an event
Sometimes I really don't think at all.
Sometimes I wish I was dead
Sometimes I want to live forever
Sometimes I'll write something just like this, that has no begining, no middle and no end. Just because sometimes words don't say enough. And sometimes when I'm not saying anything I'm sayin the most.
But most of the time I'm just writing because I love to write.

6 Millions ways........

6 million ways to......
by Chris Glover on Thursday, January 7, 2010 at 1:44am
There's 6 million ways to die I choose three. Love, hate and just being me. They all will leave you alone. Stuck by myself is were I start to zone. In love I wanted to sit on a thrown, be a King, find a Queen. Live in a country home. Just me and her away from the city. Living like royalty, watching over many. But dreams like that are always to good to be. It would be only a matter of time, before someone would come gunning for us, most likely someone we trust. Could it be, life would be, our worst enemy. It would be a plague that would take me Queen from me. So in the madness I turned to hate. Hate everything I saw, everything that was. I could trust no one, believe no one. Every word that I heard became a lie, it became the only truth was in I. So I took to me being my own private console, my own general, my own whole army. That lead to cracks in the wall, were I once stood tall, that would be the home to my soon future down fall. All paths will lead to death, so in each breath I exhale like there ain't nothing left. Now I sit back and count the ways, stuck here in a daze. My world of glory gone up in a blaze. But still to the world I strayed, I still want to play. So now I sleep and pray to rise another day, and look to add a fourth to my 6 million ways.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Lost in a Thought

I got lost in a thought today. I'm not sure if I ever want to leave
it. It was a beautiful and magical thought. Dare I say it was a
perfect thought. But there was one problem. It wasn't my thought. My
mind was crossed with another and I need to discover what amazing
persons head I was in. A link that strong must be found again. My will
to regain this connection is almost greater than the thought it self.

But back to that thought, it wasn't a far of land of Daisy's,
roses and Lilly's. They were not white houses and picket fences. No
endless bars, no tables of food, not hundreds of scantly clad women
running around. It was much better than any of those things. Heck, it
was better than all those things put together.

I was in a clear space. It was empty. Like a blank piece of
paper. When I looked up, I just hundreds and thousands of letters
floating across the sky's. With a look at each letter, they would fall
out of the sky. Raining down on my blank canvas until pages upon pages
were full of words. Full of stories. Full of perfection. Full of
passion. Full of the future. Full of me.

This thought that I'm lost in is the most amazing feeling I've
ever had. But still sadly, this is not my thought. This is to great to
be one thought. This is millions of thoughts. But I think I've found
out who's thoughts these are. There all of your thoughts. I see your
vision, so know it's up to all of you to share these thoughts with
others. Stop reading people, start writing. Your vision is far to
beautiful not to share.