Thursday, October 14, 2010


by Chris Glover on Tuesday, January 5, 2010 at 1:34am
Sometimes I look through my pads and read what I write.
Sometimes I want to tear the pages out because they hold so much hurt
Sometimes I'll just write the same words over and over
Sometimes I write about hate
Sometimes I write about love
Sometimes the words I write are scattered all over my pad
Sometimes I'm not writing for myself but for friends and loved ones
Sometimes I'll sit in my room and talk to myself for hours and not write a word of it down
Sometimes I overthink an event
Sometimes I really don't think at all.
Sometimes I wish I was dead
Sometimes I want to live forever
Sometimes I'll write something just like this, that has no begining, no middle and no end. Just because sometimes words don't say enough. And sometimes when I'm not saying anything I'm sayin the most.
But most of the time I'm just writing because I love to write.

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