Monday, February 1, 2010

A Change In MY Life

As we approach the end of year, I look back over the 12 months and see that this was a huge year for me. I saw a growth in myself that I never thought would happen. For the first time in my life I went through real Life changing events, and judging by the way I handled them I know that I'm mentally stronger right now in my life then I have ever been and ever thought I could be. I've had my heart, my mind, my soul and my faith tested this year. Truly pushed to my limits. And a lot of these event were not bad things, a few of them were joyous occasions. They said you don't become a man until you look your fears in the eye and face them. I've faced my fears, my fear of becoming a man. Finally taking responsibility for all that's going on in my world. And taking control of my destiny to pave my own road for my future. All these years I did a pretty good job of hiding behind my childish demeanor and avoiding growing up but this year I was force to handle my business. I thought I was the man before but I know that I'm a man now. They saw that only love can kill the demon. It turns out I was looking for love in all the wrong places. As i was looking for a heart to share with mine, I over looked my own heart and when i finally looked into my heart, I found enough love to help me carry on for 100 more years. I amazed myself doing half of the things I did. from the outside it might not look like much, but from were I sit the view I see is my 40 acres and a mule.

The year started with heartache and ended with heartache. But before the Sunlight must come the rain. Before the joy must come the pain. A lot of the pain I went through opened the doors for me to enter my soul and it allowed me to access emotions I didn't know I could reach. It was as if ever hurt was turned into a blessing. Each month was it's own test to my mental toughness. I don't know if these test are over, but I think I'm scoring above average. Every event connected a piece of the puzzle to another piece to yet another piece. From getting custody of Chris leading up to the passing of my Mother, all of these event's played out as if they were scripted. They helped to mold the new and improved me. They changed me. So I figure I would share this with all of you because all of you were here for me through out this very trying year. Take these words as my thank you and know that I love all of you because you helped build this new me that feels he can take on anything in the years to come. Again thank you. and remember--- MLR (My Life Rocks) because My friends Love Me and I love them.

1 comment:

  1. I love you Chris...

    I only find it hysterical that I have to agree to a disclaimer about adult content before proceeding. MYL AND SDY (So Does Yours)
