Monday, February 1, 2010

HeartBroken (Will I Love Again?)

Ripped out of my chest, Shattered and thrown to the ground. Used, so selfish, Only in it for yourself. Every action carried out without a thought of the reaction of my heart. Done with out care and done with such malice. Ruining the soil where my feelings were planted, and then throwing salt and oil onto the soil so no new love can grow. I would ask a question, but the answer will never be enough. I can ask the question, But I would never understand the answer. The question, the question, the question. It kept me up many a nights. Looking and searching for answers. Only to find the answer that leads to more questions. The question, 3 little letters that make one small word, the leads to endless hours of thinking, endless days of unrest and a lifetime of pain. WHY? I had to ask it 100 times a day. WHY WHY WHY??? I If I could i would wish nothing but the worst to you, but I'm sure you'll feel the effects of these actions. I know you will. You broke me, my spirit, my soul, my faith,and my heart. These scars will never heal, and to be honest they never should. You had a good thing going, but between foolish youth, young mans pride and over thinking like an adult you took the best thing you ever had and through it away for nothing. Look in your hands now and see what you hold. Empty memories. Empty bed, and a Empty heart. Are you proud of yourself? Is this really what we wanted? If you could would you go back and change what you have done? How could you have been so stupid? As I look in the mirror and ask myself these questions over and over, and try to place the blame, I cry into my pillow with the sad conclusion that I can only be mad at my self for letting her go and Breaking my own Heart. HeartBroken

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