Monday, February 1, 2010

If It Was That Easy

Life would be different if ibcould be as good place all of pieces were I wanted to. If I could take the pieces of Rock, mix it with some of Supernova, add in a pinch of the beautiful Monster and combine them with Chris I would be so complete. But lord knows I've tried and tried but I can't but all these pieces of me together to complete me. I am a difficult puzzle. Now matter how hard I try I just can't force the pieces into place. It's not that I don't know what I want, that's the simple part. The part that's rough is each of my persona's what to go about reaching the goal a different way. SuperNova wants to party his way there. 24/7 365. He knows nothing can stop him from getting what he wants so nothing stops him. He is my strength. Beautiful Monster thinks that just being him is enough to do it. He carrys him self in this you know I'm great so just say it way that's very hard to disagree with. He is my confidence. Here's were everything gets a little difficult. Here's were Rock comes into play. He's the brains of the operation. He comes up with all the plans, calls all the plays. He runs the show. I would have to say he's my spirit. And that leaves us with the Chris, he's the quiet one. The one that stays back In the shadows and waits for his voice to be heard. But he's also the most important part because he holds all of the pain and the hurt that seam to never hurt the other 3. Chris is most certainly the heart and soul. Every day the four of them are fighting tooth and nail in an all out war to see who's going to have it there way. This saddens me because I know Chris is lossing and lossing bad. Even though he us the strongest of the four, all the years of storing angusish is finally starting to take it's toll. He's on life support and can barely hang on. I really wish it was as easy as it sounds to just set a goal and do it. To put your feelings to the side and just get what you want. But how can it be easy when your only goal is to be happy but your to sad on the inside to ever be happy on the outside. I guess the fight goes on, and all we can do is cheer for the underdog. And I think it's working. I can see a little smile on his face from here.

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