Monday, February 1, 2010

Things Change (o rdo they?)

Some wounds don't heal, the cut just gets deeper. Some band-aids aren't big enough to cover some wounds. When a heart breaks, it takes more than time to seal it. When a mind is corrupted by the devil it takes more than God to restore it. When I extend my words they will reach you. As the seasons go, emotions grow and change like the leafs from brown to green. As with the april showers that wash away March's pains and Summers heat, that warm cold hearts frozen my a hard winters heartbreak. The months go by fluid and swift as minds move like the earths rotation. Constant motion is the rhythm of life, but sometime the recored does skip a beat or the band misses a note, which transforms this sounds, that change these grounds, from a deep bass pound or a light chime sound, one way or another a beautiful song is found. In time we all will change, but that can never stop us from being who we truly are. Nothings ever as good at it seams or as bad as it looks. Most of the time its just what it is and hardly nothing more than that. When you think to hard, your more than likely going to over think your real problems and just create a new one. Live for the right now, and just the right now. We can think about the future when it gets here. and if something happens and it doesn't come, wont you feel better that you didn't waste time planing a future that you have no control in. The only thing in life that is guaranteed is the moment that just passed, so I chose to live for my memories.

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