Thursday, February 11, 2010

I've seen 2 much

I've held a person in my arms as they died and I've looked a person in there eye's as they blinked the last time. I've had my hands on a friends chest as his lungs let out there last breath. I've seen death more than I care to have. I've wondered lost on a road with another persons blood on my hands. I've lost loved ones to the streets, to bad health and even worst luck. I've had to experience losing a child I never got know. My life has had it's up's and downs. My heart has to beat faster, and bleed slower. I've gone through more than most put together and still I stand. I stand ready to face it all again. Wanting a better tomorrow but ready to brave more of the same. Don't question why I drink, or why I laugh and not cry. My tears flow but they are not to be shared. I'am a rock, so I stand pat. I've seen good, I've seen bad. And I'll see more. I'll stand to see another day but with my eye's closed thus time because I've seen 2 much.

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