Monday, February 1, 2010

Don't Be Scared At The Storm

A child looks up to his grandma, crying, afarid of the loud thunder, the bright lightning and the hard, pouring rain. Grandma looks down at the child, holds him close and gently rocks him in her arms. She whispers into his ear "baby it's going to be ok, it's just the lord doing his work". Her words bring comfort to his tiny body but like most children her words send his mind racing. If the lord is always with us, how come it's only loud days and the painful days we here of his actions. His grandmother goes on to explain that it's not as simple as people make it sound. In order to build a beautiful world, first he has to destroy what's in place now. The lighting and thunder are his construction ball and jackhammer. Tearing down the walls of pain. The rain is his garden hose, washing away the debry of broken dreams, broken hearts and shattered lifes. After the storm will come the sun and that's Gods vacant lot, a clean slate for you to start building a new tower of hope, a castle of your dreams. As his grandma holds him and he starts to fall asleep, him feeling safer and not afarid anymore. The rain starts to let up and the sun starts to shine, he can feel the lord smile down on his forhead. Of the storm he is no longer scared. Because he knows it's now time to build.

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