Monday, February 1, 2010

The Heart Betrays

In our lifes we come across many challenges and face many feelings. We come across friends and enemies, those that hide in plain sight and those that lay deep inside us. We spend most of our time trying to figure out motives of others, while plenty of times we over look our own emotions. Blinded by fear and overprotecting our ego's we fall into the trap of following our hearts. Putting it's bearing over our better knowledge of our minds. We get stuck in sandpit of pain, a quicksand pulling us further away from happiness. Drowning in dispare. Moving away from a surface of love. We are so easily swayed from what's right to the path of what's wrong, knowing that each step we take is only going to hurt us more in the long run. But still we walk. We put all our faith and trust in to our hearts but the heart betrays. It's our worst adversary. You know the old saying" the heart wants what the heart wants". But that's not always for the best. How many times has your heart sent you into a war you can't win, on to a battlefield with no protection just to have a bomb dropped on you. Too many times I bet, but I'm sure you'll still follow your heart the next time it deploys to a war zone. We can't fight it. The heart is our worst enemy but also our greatest comrad. But just be for warned, the heart betrays and in the end we have no one to blame but ourselves.

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