Monday, February 1, 2010


If there's on thing I can't stand, it a person that can't take care of there responsabilty. No correction, I can't stand a person that doesn't take care of there responsabilty's. Why even go fourth with the initial effort if you know your to weak to carry the full task. I'm not going to beat around the bush here, I'm talking to you deadbeats out there, you know who you are and you know who your hurting. For the life of me I can't undrstand how one could be so cold and selfish that u would abandon your child and not even put forth an effort to even check in on them. I'll try not to sound bitter but it pisses me off to the core to see this happening. Some kids do get lucky and are let with a strong parent but some kids don't, and I feel for both sets of kids. It's unfair to the kids but the parents might have it worse. Do you know how hard it is to explain to you son why his mother is not around, why he can't pick up the phone and call her? To try and explain that it's not his fault? It's more difficult than anyother part of parenting because there is no book on that. I want to make this very clear, I love the fact that I'm with my son 24/7, if it was up to me I would have it no other way. But I know this is not fair to him. Do you really think you can take a year off of being a mother and think that he is going to forgive you and let you back into his world? Do you think I'm going to expose him to a person like you? Really? Really?? Not a chance in HELL!! If there's one thing in this world I hate is a coward and a Deadbeat parent is the worst form of coward. And the only thing lower than that is a mother that leaves her child. For the life of me I can't understand that. Out of respect for my boy, I don't foul talk you around, but if my worlds somehow reach you, know that we still say a pray for you and we hope you get your life straight but know that he and I will never ever be a part of it.

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